Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sad good byes!

We NEVER got to say good bye to our kids at the various places which was very sad!!!! It rained all day long!
But at the same time thank goodness it did. Because we needed to pack up the bags for our school outings tomorrow! We tied up bows. We pumped up balls. We counted everything. We would have been up until 1 in the morning and still would not have been done!!! So it was a VERY GOOD thing that we got to stay!
Tonight we did our last service.... Our last show... And said our last good byes... It was very very sad. We may see some people tomorrow at the schools. But only few.
It is amazing how close our group got. The translators and our team. And the kids and our team. It is sooooo sad that we will be leaving soon. I think that we all hope to come back! And (at least for me) If I could do it all over again I would not change a thing! Everyone has been TERRIFIC! It blows my mind how hard we have worked and how much we have accomplished. We learned so much! How to listen. How to talk to someone who speaks a different language. How to make balloon animals very quickly! And SO much more!
I will try to post tomorrow. But it will be crazy!

His servant,


  1. I am so glad you had such a wonderful and blessed trip. You guys have a very safe trip home! We sure miss ya'll.

  2. hey its good to know how much youve enjoyed the mission trip i love you. hope you have a great rest of the days and talk to you when you can. its good here i came home form my aunts funereal it was VERY sad:( but oh well shes in a better place with our HOLY FATHER!! :) SEE YA SOON . PEACE AND LOVE <3
